11 comments on “TSA Agent Accused of Stealing $40,000

  1. Pingback: Week 7 « sbakerPortfolio

  2. While this was a bad move on the TSA Agents’ part, and I’m glad it’s being taken care of, the passenger who was traveling with cash in a briefcase should have been interrogated. If I saw a passenger traveling with such immense amounts of cash in a briefcase, I would think it suspicious. Jonathon, does anyone know why the passenger from whom the money was stolen was traveling with so much cash?

  3. Pingback: Week 8 « ldunnaganPortfolio

  4. Pingback: TSA Agent Accused of Stealing $40,000 | u.s.a.PRESS

  5. Pingback: Week 7 Articles to read « rcarneyportfolio

  6. Pingback: Week 8 « greddickPortfolio

  7. Even though the TSA agents were punished, I think they should have gotten more time in jail. What if because they see that they didn’t get a longer sentence they get off of probation and do it again?

  8. Pingback: Week 8 Summary « mmartin1Porfolio

  9. Pingback: Week 9 « wmccastlainPortfolio

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